Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Snickers... it satisfied my hunger

In my attempt to blog every single day, it is inevitable that I will have some boring posts. Today was definitely one of them. In fact, I think today was the most boring day that I have had in the past 3 weeks.

So, I will try my best to make this post as interesting as possible.

The highlight of my day was...

Yes, a Snickers Candy Bar.

As soon as I arrived at school today, I was hungry. I normally do not eat breakfast (I know that it's really bad for me... I guess it's just one of those bad habits), so I was really surprised that I was starving by the end of second period. I caught a glimpse of the school lunch menu for today and it was so bad that I lost my appetite for about five minutes. Haha!

I then decided that I wanted some chocolate. Turns out that Mr. Hopkins had one once I returned back to my 3rd period classroom. It was truly delicious!

I was hungry, so I grabbed a Snickers. And it satisfied my hunger ; )

Okay, okay. I know this post was lame!

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