Saturday, September 8, 2012

Happy Birthday, Ewurama! :)

Thursday was my friend, Ewurama's, birthday (bottom photograph)! She just turned 15 years old! She had a little get together this evening and it was one of the cutest things ever. The theme was Asian Cuisine with the restaurant feel. She brought the wine glasses (with grape and apple cider, of course) and china out with some delicious Chinese Take-out for the main course. For desert we had strawberry banana smoothies and whipped cream... delicious.

The best part was being together with the girls there. They are hilarious. My sister, Divine, Kailei, Marianna, Favour, Blessing, and Grace goofed off after eating before we decided to laugh at Divine dancing to some music videos. It was a lot of fun.

Happy Birthday, Ewurama!! I hope your 15th year will be even better than your previous 14 :)

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