Friday, September 14, 2012

123... Lady Titans! (2.0)

Isn't she gorgeous??
This is our defensive midfielder, Destiny, wearing our mandatory game day outfit to school today. Normally we wear a pair of jeans or sweatpants with our jerseys, but Coach Trapp wanted to try something different (I think he wanted to have a laugh and see what we'd come up with): shorts (they HAD to be shorts) and our soccer socks, along with our game day jersey. We had a home game today against Patapsco, so we wore white.
About the game...
I did mention it yesterday and I stick to my word, so here is what happened.
We were doing so well!! The other team came thinking they were about to have an easy win (they better go back to Patapsco with that) and were stunned and frustrated once we scored twice and ended the first half of the game winning 2-0. We worked together and played our positions. But I honestly cannot explain to you what happened during the second half. Some of us were quickly running out of gas, I guess, and Patapsco scored three goals on us.
So we eventually lost, 2-3. I do believe that we are ready to take on Overlea full force on Tuesday. We want the next win!
123... Lady Titans!! :)

In other news, today is my trip to Penn with Dona and my sister! Can't wait! More on that tomorrow ;)

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