Wednesday, September 5, 2012

He's soo "OVERPOUND"!

UPDATE: The soccer game (see previous post) was a loss, but it is okay. We'll get 'em next time.

I came home from the game this evening to a nice surprise. My three younger cousins, a 13 year old girl, 6 year old girl, and 10 year old boy, were waiting for my sister and me by the door! The youngest 6 year old girl in the photographs above is my beloved. I call her "Baba". Isn't she adorable? She's very girly. I'm not sure where she gets it from.

She said the funniest thing today. Earlier this week she watched the movie Supersize Me with her older sister and decided to give me a mini synopsis, although I mentioned to her that I have seen it already (she likes to talk). She told me about "the man's" challenge to eat McDonald's everyday and that "it was soo nasty! He gained like 30 pounds! He was so... so... 'OVERPOUND'!" Yes, this was her attempt in calling someone overweight, just in case you were wondering. Hearing her voice when she said it would have been even more hilarious- trust me.

I love her though! :)

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