Tuesday, September 4, 2012

123... Lady Titans!

New Town Ladies' Soccer Team has our first soccer game tomorrow: New Town vs. Sparrows Point! It'll be one tough game, but I'm thinking that we're up for it. We have some hard working players this year.

Today was an interesting, but productive practice... with many laughs. I was officially re-positioned today :( . I am no longer starting right wing, but I am now starting "stopper". Apparently Coach Trapp (the guy with the bunny ears and Nike Soccer t-shirt in the top photograph) believes that I display the qualities of a defender now. I agree with him; I guess I am just hesitant since I have been playing the same position since the 9th grade. It'll be a challenge to get used to "staying back" (soccer terminology).

I think I may actually miss this team once I leave New Town next year. The hilarious falls, quirky jokes, and runs around the tree bring us closer each practice.

I guess I'll let you know what happens at the game tomorrow. 123... Lady Titans! :)

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