Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Emergency Plan? Seriously?

It is always funny when the school has a fire drill. It is as if the administrators believe that if there were to be a bomb or inferno in the school, everyone would be calmly meandering in a circle to the back of the school. Honestly, I would be the first one out of there. The question would then be, "Can you keep up with me?" because the safest place in that scenario would be across the street at the elementary school.
I know it's all for safety, but seriously?
And, just to add, today's fire drill was more disorganized than usual. Practically the entire school met in one place: on the track.
Imagine about 1,000 students trying to walk down one flight of stairs during a fire drill, talk less of during an actual emergency. 

Yeah, right.

In other news, my soccer team had our second game of the season today and it was another loss, 0-2, but both shots were penalty kicks (what was up with all the handballs today??) so I am not complaining. I honestly think we played very well. A few mistakes that probably cost us the two or three goals that we could have made, but we'll get 'em next time ; )

1 comment:

  1. OK Miss SMOB ... what would you think if our administration didn't try to do emergency evacuations? What do you think is the answer to the growing gun problem in Baltimore County Public Schools? While the evaucation didn't feel real - I was grateful that we did it so that students know we have a plan. I did also wonder about the slowly moving line down the steps to the field. There are more ways to the field (like rolling down the hill) and I'm certain it wouldn't look or feel like that in a true emergency. Let's just hope we never have to find out ......
