Thursday, October 18, 2012

Johns Hopkins University!

My Hopkins badge! I'm keeping it!

Silly picture... for good measures :)

This is my second huge college visit. Around this time every year, Johns Hopkins University has its H.O.M.E., or Hopkins Overnight Multicultural Experience, program. Under represented (minority) high school seniors from across the nation are invited to apply for the program. Hopkins asks students to send in their current SAT scores, transcripts, and letters of recommendations in order for the admissions department to identify which students are more likely candidates for admission into the University. Once accepted you are to attend this awesome 3 day event that Hopkins' multicultural staff hosts. They take us through the inner harbor, take us out to dinner (which was at the Hard Rock Cafe this year :)), have activities for us to participate in on campus, organize student hosts so that we can have an opportunity to speak to students and experience dorm life, and sit in on one or two classes. In the end, we got a fee waiver and learned so much about Hopkins that we probably didn't know before (like the fact that they really do look at ALL parts of the application to consider a student for admission... and I believe them)!!
Hard Rock Cafe!

My brother went to Hopkins, but, because of the school's caliber, it has always seemed sort of inaccessible to me. After this program, I am definitely applying and I feel much more comfortable doing so. In my personalized folder was a letter from the admissions staff telling me that 500 students applied and only 150 were chosen to attend (this especially made me more comfortable). It said that they see great promise and "fit" in me. I definitely see a "fit" at Hopkins and would LOVE to go there.

It was perfect. 

Oh yeah! And I met soo many cool people from here in MD, Georgia, Hawai'i, New York, Washington, Puerto Rico, Texas, etc. I would love it if we could all go to Hopkins together!

The girl on the right in from Hawai'i!

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