Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Baba's Birthday

Today was boring only because of Hurricane Sandy. I worked a lot on SATs (which I am taking on Saturday) and learned that a lot of colleges are extending their deadlines because of the huge storm (Thank God!), but I couldn't leave the house.

Normally, this wouldn't upset me. But today was my beloved baby cousin's birthday (well no longer a baby now... she's 7. What the heck! She'll always be my baby... even at 18 :) ). Her name is Ebanehita. I made up the name Eba because I thought it was cute. Eba is a food commonly known to Nigerians. So she loved it as a baby when I said, "Eba, wanna eat some eba?" She would honestly die laughing (one of those cute Gerber baby laughs). But everyone started calling her that and some even tried to claim that they thought of it first. So I came up with Baba. Of course her siblings and my siblings try to call her that now. At least she's old enough now to know that I came up with it!

I couldn't reach her until about half an hour ago because their power was just restored after the storm. She was stuck in a cold, dark, big house with her "annoying brother and sister until the power came back on" (her words lol). I asked her what she did today and she said she played on her mom's cell phone and then read some books once she finally got the phone taken away from her. So I asked, "Was that fun?" This tiny smart-alic said, "Eh, it could've been better... SERIOUSLY! DID YOU JUST ASK ME IF I HAD FUN! DO YOU KNOW THE DEFINITION OF FUN??!"

Hahaha!! I kind of felt bad for her, but that was the funny. I asked her what she really wants for her birthday this year. She said a Meep. I have to figure out what that is :O

A Tribute to My Baba... Happy Birthday <3 (Pictures show how her appearance has changed within 3 years! Just look at the differences!)

She loves her big brother (she's the little rugrat in the pink jacket)
And her big sister (doesn't she look adorable in her plaid uniform?!)
And me! She is my "mini me." We're just a like. She actually told me that once.
I love her!
From tomboy/little rugrat to a diva in as little as 3 years. She'll love you if you say, "Stop! Pose for a camera!"

This is My Baba now. She's beautiful :)

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