Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Today's Board Meeting

This is Dr. Lillian Lowery, the Maryland State Superintendent of public schools, Dr. Charlene Dukes, Madame President of the MD State Board of Education, and me at today's board meeting. More experience gained!! These two women are intelligent, wise, and lovely women. Anyone would love them (and I'm not just sucking up right now :) )

Me today :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Baba's Birthday

Today was boring only because of Hurricane Sandy. I worked a lot on SATs (which I am taking on Saturday) and learned that a lot of colleges are extending their deadlines because of the huge storm (Thank God!), but I couldn't leave the house.

Normally, this wouldn't upset me. But today was my beloved baby cousin's birthday (well no longer a baby now... she's 7. What the heck! She'll always be my baby... even at 18 :) ). Her name is Ebanehita. I made up the name Eba because I thought it was cute. Eba is a food commonly known to Nigerians. So she loved it as a baby when I said, "Eba, wanna eat some eba?" She would honestly die laughing (one of those cute Gerber baby laughs). But everyone started calling her that and some even tried to claim that they thought of it first. So I came up with Baba. Of course her siblings and my siblings try to call her that now. At least she's old enough now to know that I came up with it!

I couldn't reach her until about half an hour ago because their power was just restored after the storm. She was stuck in a cold, dark, big house with her "annoying brother and sister until the power came back on" (her words lol). I asked her what she did today and she said she played on her mom's cell phone and then read some books once she finally got the phone taken away from her. So I asked, "Was that fun?" This tiny smart-alic said, "Eh, it could've been better... SERIOUSLY! DID YOU JUST ASK ME IF I HAD FUN! DO YOU KNOW THE DEFINITION OF FUN??!"

Hahaha!! I kind of felt bad for her, but that was the funny. I asked her what she really wants for her birthday this year. She said a Meep. I have to figure out what that is :O

A Tribute to My Baba... Happy Birthday <3 (Pictures show how her appearance has changed within 3 years! Just look at the differences!)

She loves her big brother (she's the little rugrat in the pink jacket)
And her big sister (doesn't she look adorable in her plaid uniform?!)
And me! She is my "mini me." We're just a like. She actually told me that once.
I love her!
From tomboy/little rugrat to a diva in as little as 3 years. She'll love you if you say, "Stop! Pose for a camera!"

This is My Baba now. She's beautiful :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Good Old Times

I was looking through my phone today and found this photograph from summer break. After reminiscing, I almost skipped over it before I remembered that it wasn't on my blog because I hadn't started it yet. It makes me miss my cousins :(
I miss you Oti and Eje!! <3
The others live really close to me, so I see them often.. lol.
From left to right: Oti, Feba, Tese (my sister), Eje, Me, and Fifi

From left to right: Oti, Me, Feba (above me), Eje, Tese, and Fifi
By the way (in case you are wondering what we are doing), we are "Bolt-ing" and "Blake-ing." This was during the period of Olympics 2012 when Yohan Blake and Usain Bolt were killing the Track and Field Olympics. They always did this when they won.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Scores Out Today!!

SAT Scores back!! AHHHHHH! I was soo happy with my score.

I took the Math II Subject test in early October and the scores were released today.

Since I have to put up a picture, I will put up a screenshot of the lovely College Board website :)

I was told the website crashed around 8:30 because of user overload or something like that. That is funny! Good thing I woke up at 5:30 to check mine ; )

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Senior Portraits... Oooo La La

Today was my senior portrait day. I took the picture late, so the make up is no longer fresh, but I think it's still pretty. I'm starting to actually feel like this is actually my senior year. It'll be an awesome portrait... I can't wait to see it.
Here are some pics (remember, make up isn't fresh. And I took a nap right before. Hehe):

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


My first year with MASC has been amazing so far (I don't know why I wasn't involved before becoming SMOB. The organization should really be promoted more... it's great.) These kids are the smartest, brightest, and most well-spoken students you will find anywhere in Maryland... and what makes it even better is that we can come together, from all parts of Maryland (Yep, Allegany, St. Mary's, Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Charles, etc.), and discuss important topics and work on leadership skills. And on our free time, we have have fun, man! During our meeting today, we spent most of our lunchtime laughing at each other (pretty loudly) and taking pics. 

Next time we're meeting is for our leadership conference... it's so far away :(

Monday, October 22, 2012

AP Literature Literary Term Project

Watch and Let me know what you think :) My Literary term was conventional symbol.
I don't think it's as creative as last years (that is the second video below), but my topic wasn't as fun as last year's (I had fallacies last year and I had to define each one). But I'm proud of both projects because I worked hard on them and they turned out awesome.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Bored and Bug-eyed!

Okay, so today was pretty boring. I went to church and that was pretty awesome (sorry, but I forgot to take pictures ): ) Afterwards, it became a library in my house. My sister and I did our homework and studied for the rest of the evening.
So here are some silly pictures I took during my (quite frequent) break.

I have bug eyes :) Hehe

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Stiiill at H.O.M.E.

Yes, I'm still at Johns Hopkins for the H.O.M.E. Program. But I will be leaving today. See Thursday October 18, 2012 post for pics :)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Still at H.O.M.E.

I'm still at H.O.M.E. All my pics will be posted on yesterday's blog post :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Johns Hopkins University!

My Hopkins badge! I'm keeping it!

Silly picture... for good measures :)

This is my second huge college visit. Around this time every year, Johns Hopkins University has its H.O.M.E., or Hopkins Overnight Multicultural Experience, program. Under represented (minority) high school seniors from across the nation are invited to apply for the program. Hopkins asks students to send in their current SAT scores, transcripts, and letters of recommendations in order for the admissions department to identify which students are more likely candidates for admission into the University. Once accepted you are to attend this awesome 3 day event that Hopkins' multicultural staff hosts. They take us through the inner harbor, take us out to dinner (which was at the Hard Rock Cafe this year :)), have activities for us to participate in on campus, organize student hosts so that we can have an opportunity to speak to students and experience dorm life, and sit in on one or two classes. In the end, we got a fee waiver and learned so much about Hopkins that we probably didn't know before (like the fact that they really do look at ALL parts of the application to consider a student for admission... and I believe them)!!
Hard Rock Cafe!

My brother went to Hopkins, but, because of the school's caliber, it has always seemed sort of inaccessible to me. After this program, I am definitely applying and I feel much more comfortable doing so. In my personalized folder was a letter from the admissions staff telling me that 500 students applied and only 150 were chosen to attend (this especially made me more comfortable). It said that they see great promise and "fit" in me. I definitely see a "fit" at Hopkins and would LOVE to go there.

It was perfect. 

Oh yeah! And I met soo many cool people from here in MD, Georgia, Hawai'i, New York, Washington, Puerto Rico, Texas, etc. I would love it if we could all go to Hopkins together!

The girl on the right in from Hawai'i!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New New Hair :)

Even newer hair :) Do you like it? (Disregard the pic please... it was one of those days lol)

Awesome day today! No school for seniors because of PSATs! And I can't wait for tomorrow! I'm going to Johns Hopkins University for their H.O.M.E. Program!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Perfect Ending :)

This is the sweetest thing ever!! Today was the last soccer game of the season against Western Tech. At the end of the game, my team came together, as usual, for our "123... Lady Titans" cheer that we always have at the end of a practice or game. I'm grabbing a drink of water and I hear Coach Trapp say "So we have 2 seniors on our team whom we love so dearly and we all know we gotta do something for 'em..." I turn around and I am surprised with a card with everyone's signatures and love, along with flowers and cupcakes :) It was the perfect ending to the season. I am going to miss the team sooo much! I love you girls!! :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

New Hair!

I finally took out those dreaded twists this weekend! A lot of people really thought they were my real hair and that I was growing dreads-- I appreciate the compliments, but I don't think that will ever happen, especially after this experience. And let me just add: it took my mother, my sister, and me 6 HOURS to take them out... not even considering the fact that I had to wash and deep condition it the same night. *Sigh*
I'm happy with the results, though!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Junie B. Jones!! Owie Ow Ow!

I am proud to announce that my (nearly) seven year old cousin has fallen in love with Junie B. Jones! Funny thing is that was the same age I was in love with Barbara Parks' character, as well! She is hilarious (I loved Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus). I remember my mother would buy me the box sets of eight books of the series from (which my sister and I used to innocently call "book orders" haha).
Well, it's Junie B.'s 20th year anniversary, so in celebration of this and my baby cousin's new interest, I bought her Junie B.'s Essential Survival Guide For School. I looked through the preview and it brought back so many old memories. It just makes you miss your childhood.
You should flip through the preview!! Click the link:

My cousin is going to be so excited!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Colored Flames and Electronegativity... Lol

This is a flame! In AP Chemistry class today we experimented with several ions by letting them burn in a flame. What happens is the electrons in the atoms become excited by the heat of the flame and this causes a change in electronegativity. If you think about the electromagnetic spectrum (which is where all colors come from), a color is identified by its wavelength. When the ion is put in the flame, a change in electronegativity causes a change in wavelength (and light being absorbed and transmitted), causing a change in the color of the flame! I tried my best to explain this, so I hope you understand.

Isn't it really cool? It's a pink flame! :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

AVID Fundraiser

Today was the AVID Fundraiser at Noodles and Co. It was nice, especially because it was my first time ever and Noodles and Co. and the food is really good.
I probably should have taken better pictures, or at least 2 or 3 more. But here is something :)
Support AVID!!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Baby Sorrela

My friend whom I have not seen for about 3 weeks (which is quite unusual) showed up in my life once again today! I really do adore this girl. I guarantee that she is the most beautiful, yet humble girl that I have ever met in my life so far. I love her to death.
Her photograph (she does some modeling) says Baby Sorrela, but it's a nickname with its roots. Her name is Isiuwa (or just Isi). Her oldest sister started a business before she moved back to Nigeria, called Sorrela, that resells fashion jewelry. It started as a small at home thing, but became really popular among Nigerian-Americans. So, as her younger sister, she is known as Baby Sorrela :) Cute, huh?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Test Day of Senior Year #1

I call this "Test Day of Senior Year #1" because I know this will not be the last. I still have one more subject test, SAT Reasoning test, and AP exams (in May). It's all worth it :)

Okay, I can't take a picture of this because it is prohibited, so the CLOSEST I can do is put up a picture of my prep book.
Today I took the SAT SUBJECT TEST for Math II, not the SAT Reasoning Test. I'm taking that one on November 3rd (wish me luck and grace).
I'm so nervous to get my score, but I want it right now! 19 days seems like a long while to wait! Scores don't come out until 5 am on October 25th... yikes!

To everyone who took either test today, I wish you good luck :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

ZeZe's back!

Last school year I made a very close friend. Her name was ZeZe. Well, I hadn't seen her for a very long time... until today! She is so cute. I don't see why anyone wouldn't love this bundle of 4 year old stuff :)