Monday, January 28, 2013

New Novel!!

New book! Diary of a Young Girl. I'm reading it for a scholarship (Yipee! *sigh* I have to try to remember that it will all be worth it very, very soon) It's for the Spirit of Anne Frank award. I want my essay to be the best that it could be, so I decided to read the book. Besides, I wondered why I hadn't read the novel yet. Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank is a classic. I mean, were my 9th and 10th grade English classes that bad? My brother contributed to the Help a Sister Foundation (teehee.) and bought the book for $30, although I don't understand why because the book was on for 6 bucks. At least it comes with a pretty hold tassel and its a crimson red hardcover. The novel is lovely so far! :)

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