Monday, March 11, 2013


Heyy! It's Funlayo!! Isn't this little, big-eyed girl the cutest?

Cousin Love

I actually went out this weekend with Frankie. I had a pretty good time and wish I could do this more often :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Today I spent the day with my mommy and sister. I got bored while at Macy's so I began snapping photos of myself. Right after, my sister and I got in a little fight over a funny video I recorded of her. She didn't want me to send it to this boy she likes ;) lol. I'm not that evil #SisterlyLove

Mmm... Delicious!

Take a look at this! It looks yummy, doesn't it?? It's a shrimp stir fry and I made it for dinner to go along with rice and apple cider.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Mr. Theron Mercadell

I had to leave school early today and drive to Carver for the Superintendent's Advisory Board recording of our Anti-bullying month commercials. As I was leaving, I saw a friend of mine that I haven't seen since the eight grade! It was a nice surprise :) He's still very silly lol.

Licensed Driver

It is January 14, 2013 and I am a licensed driver... On my first try... And my photo is H-O-T-T HOTT!! :) Way too pumped!!

Sunday's Best

It was a pretty nice day for Mother Nature today, considering that it's the middle of January. I decided to look nice for church today :)

Mall time!!

Went to the mall today. My sister bought some stuff with a $50 gift card we were supposed to share. I find some things that I CANNOT wait to put on. As I wait in line, I ask my sister for the gift card so that I can pay for my things. Guess what... She lost it. I'm like, "HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU LOSE A CARD FROM YOUR HANDS IN A MATTER OF SECONDS?!" Oh well.

No pretty skirt for me.

The picture below is of my cousin in a masquerade. She looks adorable, doesn't she?!

It's Academic!

Today was the It's Academic! recording. We went up against Baltimore City College, who took first, and Manchester Valley high school. We took second. We were doing so well the first half, but I guess the game flies through so quickly that we didn't even notice when we were behind by 20 points. We didn't lose badly though... Only by 40 points. It was close. We were so supported. Doña came, along with Justin and Cody, Dr. Murray, Mr. Horton, Frankie (my cousin), Feyi, Jalinh and her family, Stephaun and his grandma, my mom, my sister, and a friend I met at my Johns Hopkins visit (see previous post). It was a fun time. Afterwards, I got Qdoba (YESSSS!!). Sorry, I forgot to take pictures of that part, though. I was enjoying my 3 cheese queso burrito with chicken, pinto beans, guacamole, and hot stuff wayy too much :)

New Year's Eve

Today was boredom. All I have are funny pictures of my cousin (teehee.)

Happy New Year!!

In the song "Feliz Navidad," people always forget the "prospero años y felicidad" part...

...Well, I haven't! I wish you a prosperous and happy new year!! This is my year to walk in dominion!

NOTE: The photos below are courtesy of me and G-day's photos company. The fireworks in the photos are courtesy of Jesus House Baltimore's watch night service (on New Year's Eve).

Merry Christmas!

Felix Navidad! Jingle Bells! Chestnuts roasting on an open fire! Uhh... (I don't know. I've been hearing these songs for the past 5 weeks of my life...)


New Novel!!

New book! Diary of a Young Girl. I'm reading it for a scholarship (Yipee! *sigh* I have to try to remember that it will all be worth it very, very soon) It's for the Spirit of Anne Frank award. I want my essay to be the best that it could be, so I decided to read the book. Besides, I wondered why I hadn't read the novel yet. Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank is a classic. I mean, were my 9th and 10th grade English classes that bad? My brother contributed to the Help a Sister Foundation (teehee.) and bought the book for $30, although I don't understand why because the book was on for 6 bucks. At least it comes with a pretty hold tassel and its a crimson red hardcover. The novel is lovely so far! :)


Today, I helped my mom with a lot of chores-- pretty much just cooking, cleaning, and some typing up documents for work. It was around 3:30 and I was tired. My cousin had planned to spend the day with me (which, by the way, did not happen), so when I heard my cell phone ring, I expected it to be her. I answered with a nonchalant, "Hello." Then I heard an unexpected voice... "Hi, my name is Michael Pachino, an alumni representative of CORNELL UNIVERSITY..." I freaked out. Long story short, I have an interview with him on Thursday and I'll let you know how that goes ;)

Facebook can be hilarious

These are so funny! I was extremely bored today so I continued reading Diary of a Young Girl, messed with my sister, spoke to my brother, and surfed Facebook. WARNING: You may have to be a teen to understand. Lol :)

Can't wait!!

Look what I did today! I was bored so I found an app on my phone that would allow me to create cool countdowns. I added some funny pictures that I found the other day. I always peek at it and grow anxious over and over again as I wait for the end of high school!!!