Sunday, November 11, 2012

Proactivity Can Be A Blessing

Thank God for proactive people. I have the Middle School Leadership Conference on Saturday and My group and I must teach 3 workshops on Communication and Technology, Parliamentary Procedure (or Parli Pro, as we like to call it), and Project Planning. Our adviser has asked that we send in our workshop outlines and technlogical visuals (powerpoints, prezis, etc.), but with every thing going on and due at the same time (I also have a SMOB report to do that day and a 13 page form to fill out for the department of education), it was soo difficult to get it all done. So I called my dear Chief of Staff, Christian Hodges (love him), and asked for big help. Luckily, I found out that outlines and presentations can be recycled, since we all have to teach the same thing to different groups of kids.
The only requirement is that the workshops HAVE to be interesting.
Luckily, this guy made a cool Angry Birds themed parli pro presentation (which is what I have to teach on Saturday).

Just perfect.

Thanks a bunch, Christian : ) Sincerely, Ebe.

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