Tuesday, November 13, 2012

AVID Food RAG 2012: Ideas

The Food RAG is next Tuesday for my AVID 12 class. Every student will write a story about something that has happened to them, whether it's funny, inspirational, or sad, and the story involves or mentions some sort of food or beverage. Then everyone brings their food to school, reads their essay/story, and then we eat!

I finished my essay/story for my AVID Food RAG this year. It's going to be really funny if I tell it properly. I'll be bringing in buffalo wings...
...Mmmm! I cannot wait!

In case you're wondering, I will not give out the content of my story beforehand :) But my sisters know what it's about (if they are reading this).

Monday, November 12, 2012


Another acceptance for me! With some gold on the side ; )

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Proactivity Can Be A Blessing

Thank God for proactive people. I have the Middle School Leadership Conference on Saturday and My group and I must teach 3 workshops on Communication and Technology, Parliamentary Procedure (or Parli Pro, as we like to call it), and Project Planning. Our adviser has asked that we send in our workshop outlines and technlogical visuals (powerpoints, prezis, etc.), but with every thing going on and due at the same time (I also have a SMOB report to do that day and a 13 page form to fill out for the department of education), it was soo difficult to get it all done. So I called my dear Chief of Staff, Christian Hodges (love him), and asked for big help. Luckily, I found out that outlines and presentations can be recycled, since we all have to teach the same thing to different groups of kids.
The only requirement is that the workshops HAVE to be interesting.
Luckily, this guy made a cool Angry Birds themed parli pro presentation (which is what I have to teach on Saturday).

Just perfect.

Thanks a bunch, Christian : ) Sincerely, Ebe.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

One Hour with Iyin

I miss this girl so much! We had an hour long conversation video chatting and laughing. I can't wait until November 20th... that's when she gets to come home for Thanksgiving break!

She told me how much she likes, and doesn't like, Carnegie Mellon. I learned a lot from her share of hindsight. I am so excited for college next year! I would love to go to CMU with her (besides the fact that it's an awesome school for engineering and science), but, of course, Penn and JHU are still up there on my list. It's like 1st choice, 2nd choice, and 3rd choice. I'll be going for their sleeping bag weekend, so she promised to take me around campus : )

Friday, November 9, 2012

Good Deeds

I made this all by myself! Do you think it looks like a check?

With the help of Mrs. Simms, I created a plan to raise money for Breast Cancer Awareness Month so that it could be donated to Susan G. Komen for the Cure. I involved the school's athletic director and the Varsity Club and we made it a conjoined effort, and a successful one at that. The 4 leaders of the club met to present it to the school on Titan TV before we sent the real check to Susan G. Komen.

I was very proud of myself and the school. It may seem small, but any amount of money that goes towards breast cancer research is beneficial.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Certificate of Recognition

Look at what I got today! Dr. Dance (the county superintendent of schools), on behalf of Baltimore County Public Schools, recognized several teachers, administrators, staff, and students this evening for things like achievement in sports, research, arts, and competitions. I was awarded for my State SMOB position. Yay me : )

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I see BLUE everywhere!

Highlight of the day :)
My mom, sister, and I stayed up until 1 am to watch Obama's speech

Monday, November 5, 2012

Productive Day

I completed a college application!
And I got my first acceptance!


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Test Day of Senior Year #2

SATs were today!! I took the long one today... it's about 4 hours long. Scores come out November 20th!!!! *fingers crossed*

I'm still trying to figure out how I can put a picture up for test day (since I can't have any electronic devices out during the test). So no picture today... Sorry :(

Friday, November 2, 2012

A Driven Student :)

SKIP TO 11:38!!! The video is long, so I won't make you sit through the whole thing.

Mr. Craig made this nice video about me and it was posted up on the county website. I had no idea it was up there until about 5 people came to me today to acknowledge it. I think the video is awesome.

NOTE: In the clip, the narrator says something like, "So who will get this driven student: JHU or IUP?" IUP is incorrect. She meant to say UPenn, as in Johns Hopkins University or the University of Pennsylvania.

By the way, SATs are tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

My Temporary Abode

Dona took this picture of me taking over her closet
Only 2 days left until the November 3rd SATs and I was kicking it into high gear today. I have my goal and I am determined to reach it. So after school I stayed in my AVID teacher's, Dona, room today to get some Critical Reading and Math practice in.
Then it got too loud.
See, I need my concentration, especially when it comes to test taking. I considered the library, but it was too cold. In fact, I was cold when I considered it. Then I glance to my right and see a working heater right in front of Dona's huge closet.


So I take a desk and a chair into the closet, have my dinner, and begin to work. I even take a short 25 minute nap.

Dona walks in to get something and cannot stop laughing at the fact that I turned her closet into my apartment. It was kind of funny lol.